Figure \(\PageIndex{1})A: Sizes and Shapes of Viruses (Animal RNA Viruses)Figure B. (\PageIndex{1})S: Shapes and Shapes of Viruses (Animal RNA Viruses) (Figure B) (Figure A) (Fig. A) (Figure A) (Figure A) (Fig. A) (Figure A) (Fig. B) (Fig. B) (Fig. C) (Fig. D) Viruses (Animal DNA Viruses)
Figure \(\PageIndex{1})C: Sizes and Shapes of Viruses (Bacteriophage)
a. 形状。 ヘリカルウイルスは、核酸の周りを中空のタンパク質円筒(カプシド)が取り囲み、らせん状の構造をしています(図(ⅳ)A)。
b. (B) Viral Structure (Enveloped Helical Virus). 多面体ウイルスは、核酸の周囲を通常20面体の殻またはカプシドが取り囲んでいる(図(ⅳ)B)。
Transmission electron micrograph of poliomyelitis viruses; courtesy of CDC.
Transmission electron micrograph of poliomyelitis viruses; courtesy of Dennis Kunkel’s Microscopy.
c. エンベロープウイルスは、核酸がらせん状または多面体のコアに囲まれ、エンベロープで覆われている(図㊦、図㊦参照)。
Transmission electron micrograph of HIV; courtesy of CDC.
Transmission electron micrograph showing envelope and glycoprotein spikes Coronaviruses; courtesy of CDC.
Transmission electron micrograph of herpes simplex viruses; courtesy of Dennis Kunkel’s Microscopy.
d. バイナル(複合)ウイルスは、らせん状でも多面体でもなく、多形や不規則な形をしていたり(図↓)、複雑な構造をしている(図↑F)。
Figure \(\PageIndex{3}C): 電子顕微鏡写真:Electron Micrograph of Filamentous Ebola Viruses Budding from an Infected Host Cell 糸状のエボラウィルス(赤色)。 提供:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Transmission electron micrograph of the bacteriophage coliphage T4; courtesy of Dennis Kunkel’s Microscopy.
Exercise.Of.Pirates: 5697>
We just learn that most viruses are much smaller than bacteria.
Compare the sizes of viruses and bacteria.
Why are viruses able to be so much small than bacteria