Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell in sixth edition of Writing First, “A modifier is a word or word group that identifies or describes another word or word groups in sentence” によると、「修飾語は、文中の別の語や語群を表す語である。 修飾語には、動詞の現在分詞(-ing)や動詞の過去分詞(-ed)などがあります。




Correct: The doctor gave the small child crying on the examination table his vaccine.
The modifier now correct describes the child as crying, not the doctor.

Incorrect: The doctor was crying on the examination table his vaccine.
This is incopes that it was crying in the exam table, although it was the child is crying.Indexception:



修飾語を使うときによくあるもう一つの間違いは、修飾語がぶら下がったままになっていることです。 これは、修飾されている単語が実際に文に含まれていない場合に起こります。

Dangling modifier examples

Incorrect: Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the math problem was easily solved.
Did the math problem used the theorem?

Correct: Using the Pythagorean Theorem, Wendy easily solved the math problem.
This version is correct because Wendy was the one who used the theorem.

Incorrect: Working through the night, the report was finished in time for class.
Correct: Working through the night, Jeremy finished the report in time for class.Who did the theorem?

Incorrect: Having finished the essay, a new Facebook status was uploaded.
Correct: Having finished the essay, Sandra uploaded a new Facebook status.

A special thanks to Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell’s Writing First, published by Bedford/St.Martin’s in 2015.


